Dude stop game inside a game
Dude stop game inside a game

Because, someone is apparently busy with fixing bugs in the game and making websites is “ too easy” for him!! *rolling eyes* ConclusionĪll in all – it was a good month! We finished the voice and right now we’re working on small fixes and preparing for one last step – sounds (I bet we are saying this in every blog). (Clicking may help) Flashback trophy Stop coming here Play through the Tutorial 3 times. Oh, and we are working on a new website for the game! It’s gonna be LEGEN-wait for this dead meme-DARY! It’s gonna be legendary!!… But can take some time. Game over, Dude Game over Wait until the narrator throws unused cups at the sign, above the locked in trophy, until it falls down which will break the glass around it enabling you to grab it. You can still be excited – it’s the last feature of the game! And it’s 70-95% ready (we forgot our previous estimate in percent). On top of the properties window click 'Local Files' and click 'Browse Local Files' Change name on the Save folder to something else, like 'SaveOld'. We have a little hold-back with this one, but we are doing all we can. Press alt+tab and go to save file folders: While game is open, go back to steam, right click on the game, and open Properties. “When is the release?” – the crowd asked, and Not-So-Awesome Shamed Developers stood silent. “Are you not satisfied?!” – the voice of the Super-Awesome Generous Developers shaked the earth with all it’s might! Well, here you go! Check out our sweet Voice Actor in action!… And that’s exactly how our game sounds! This is a Teaser we made for the Holidays a month ago, but completely forgot to put it here. “Show us! Show us! Show us!” – the crowd was chanting, and the voices of Super-Awesome Generous Developers cracked the sky: “Ask and Ye shall receive!” For us it took a lot of time to write, implement, and test, and for the Voice Actor a lot of hours of screaming and crying in the microphone, and it’s finally done! The voice is ready!! It sounds in our heads in all its gloriousness.

dude stop game inside a game

Introducing the one, the only, the new, the revolutionary: THE VOICE ! In our previous blog we talked about completing the script, and now, after so much time, we reached that milestone – we voiced every line in the game! It may not sound (ha!) like it, but it’s a big deal, actually. What we like is looking at pretty pictures or at the video below, or even better – just closing our eyes and not reading at all! That’s right! Keep on reading to find out how you can read less. Developed by Patomkin, Dude, Stop is a puzzle game that gives you the option to be good boys and girls or to be very, very bad when completing simple tasks. And what is worse – every sentence, every line, every word sound exactly the same – like your own voice!! YOU CAN BE LOUD, or be can confusing you… That’s why we don’t like to read. NO ONE LIKES TO READ!… There, I said it! Reading is, like, looking at a lot of weird shapes and hallucinating weird stuff in your head.

Dude stop game inside a game